1 pie crust (9")
1 tbsp coarse sugar
0.75 tsp powdered cinnamon
0.5 cup butter
0.5 cup brown sugar
3 tbsp water
2 tbsp corn syrup
1.5 tsp vanilla
0.5 cup granulated sugar
0.25 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp baking powder
0.5 tsp salt
0.25 tsp cream of tartar
1 egg
0.5 cup milk
1.25 cups flour
Prepare the Crust:
In a small bowl, add the 1 tbsp coarse sugar to 0.5 tsp cinnamon powder and mix. Gently brush the pastry crust with about 1 tbsp of butter, and sprinkle about 1 tbsp of the mix on. Then place in the fridge to chill.
Prepare the Cinnamon Syrup:
Combine the brown sugar, 0.25 cup butter, water, corn syrup and 0.25 tsp cinnamon in a saucepan. Allow the mixture to boil on medium heat for about 2 minutes. Be sure to stir. Remove the mixture from heat and add 0.5 tsp vanilla. Stir, and then place in fridge or freezer to chill.
Prepare the Cake Filling:
Use a spatula to pour the cake filling into the pie crust. You don't want to overfill the shell as the cake filling will rise in the oven. Remove the syrup from the fridge (make
Use foil to cover the edges of the pastry crust and place in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove, then take the foil off the pie crust and place back in the oven for another 15-20 mins. Use a toothpick to ensure the cake is cooked through to the center.
Remove and cool.
Wilde Oscar says: This thing goes great with a bit of custard if you have it.